Sunday, November 25, 2012

All art is available at the Bridgeport Art Center, 1200 W. 35th Street, Studio #44019. Hours by appointment. Watch for Nubixian Dreamtime, an upcoming graphic novella available December, 2012.

Images from Nubixian Dreamtimes

Math Master, from my upcoming graphic novella, Nubixian Dreamtime.

Monday, June 18, 2012

This is another image from the Nubixian Dreamtime graphic novella. It is titled Ejector Module Observer.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

This video is the backstory for the current Nubixian Dreamtime series. The Ebixians escaped from their quadrant of the multiverse, after being part of the cause for its destruction, in order to start a new existence.

Monday, June 4, 2012

This is Xlthona, a Nubixian hybrid AUTOMORPH, who is capable of self-perpetuation and is self-sustaining. Nubixia is a level 4 civilization, and creates worlds.  Xlthona is an organic anchor, serving as a conduit for the reception of xero-balance input.
And while we're at it, let's check out this...a Nubixian Quantum Transformer in the process of bending time through a technique that alters quarks, and in so doing, alters SPACE TIME.
Nubixian Shaman, in transformation...
Tharse, ball master...
...graphic novella in production.

 It is always NOW in Nubixia, as it is here. Because of this, Nubixians have a different relationship to time than we do on Terra where we are often lost in the past or anticipating the future.
Think outside the box, for a moment. Imagine yourself in another time and another place, quite foreign to your current might find yourself in Nubixia, the setting for my new graphic novella (in process), Nubixian Dreamtime.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Check out other images by clicking on my profile and go to uploaded photos. My
art is designed to  portray an alternate worldview that is distinct from everyday life, but that provides an objective  mirror through which our lives can be seen. It takes us on a journey to unfamiliar, but familiar territory, wherein the imagination presents numerous possibilities about different ways of being.  This visual poetry strives to bring a bit of light to the world, in that the notion of wide-ranging existences can possibly highlight the senselessness of the "isms" that tend to separate us. The images also portray the energy that is constantly passing through, or is generated by us. This is the energy that can help us create, or re-imagine our world
Bridgeport Art Center is located in Chicago, IL.
Boutique Osun (pronounced "Oshun") features the artwork of Yaounde Olu, and is located at 1200 W. 35th Street in the Bridgeport Art Center. Hours are by appointment; call 773-510-8006.